About UPN

Since its inception more than 30 years ago, the National University of Education Sciences (UPN) has supported Mexico’s mandatory schooling, now reaching from kindergarten at four years of age through middle school at 15 years of age.

The UPN is a public institution of higher education operating under the Freireian axiom of Educate to Transform, (educar para transformar).
Instruction and Research

Its more than 60 working groups at the Mexico City main campus are organized into five major areas of instruction and research: pedagogical theory, teaching and learning of specific disciplines, diversity, technology, and leadership. These Academic Areas are responsible for seven bachelor programs, a master program with 11 lines of research, and a doctorate with 6 lines of research.

The main campus also offers associate of arts degrees (called a “diploma course”), as well as degree courses at an intermediate level between the bachelor and master levels called “specialization”. A growing number of these diploma courses and specializations are distance degrees available online.

The University has 77 campuses around the country, one in each state capital, as well as many others. See the directory of campuses. The bachelor programs offered at these regional campuses attend the need for preschool and elementary teachers, community development, as well as Educational Intervention.

The UPN takes very seriously its role in disseminating culture via its publications which foster strategies for learning and pedagogical prototypes that promote inclusion, equity, and justice, with particular attention to the preservation of local, national, and Latin American cultures. As part of the Secretariat of Education, the staff collaborates in numerous programs designed to increase learning and enhance teaching.

Study at the UPN
The current extensive educational offering is primarily aimed at understanding the learning process and enhancing teaching in the field of compulsory education.

    Educational Psychology
    Indigenous Education
    Adult Education (in reformulation)
    Educational Leadership
    Teaching French: online

    Computing and Education
    Women’s Studies in Education
    Teaching English as a Foreign Language(to open in 2011): online

    Educational Development
    Compulsory Education


© 2022, Derechos Reservados. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional UPN, Carretera al Ajusco No. 24 Col. Héroes de Padierna, Alcaldía Tlalpan, C.P. 14200, Ciudad de México. Tel. (55) 5630-9700. Los contenidos de este portal pueden ser reproducidos sin alteración y sin fines lucrativos, citando la fuente completa con dirección electrónica. Otras formas de reproducción, uso o difusión de contenidos requieren autorización escrita de la UPN o de los autores. | CréditosPolíticas de Privacidad |

Última Actualización: 20-01-2023.